Soo Dhaweyn

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Topic review

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Soo Dhaweyn

by admin » Sat Feb 22, 2025 7:32 am

Welcome to Barkulan, our Somali Dictionary Online Forum! We're thrilled to have you join our community. This space is dedicated to enriching our understanding and appreciation of the Somali language. Whether you're here to learn, share your knowledge, or simply connect with fellow language enthusiasts, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment. Feel free to ask questions, contribute to discussions, and explore the wealth of resources available. Together, we can celebrate and preserve the beauty of the Somali language. Welcome aboard!

Ku soo dhawoow Madashayada Qaamuuska Af-Soomaaliga ee Barkulan! Aad baanu ugu faraxsanahay inaad ku soo biirto bulshadayada. Goobtan waxa ay u heellan tahay kobcinta fahamka iyo qaddarinta afka Soomaaliga. Haddi aad halkan u joogto inaad barato, la wadaagto aqoontaada, ama aad si fudud ula xidhiidho dadka xiiseeya luqadaha, waxaad heli doontaa jawi soo dhawayn iyo taageero ah. Dareen xor u ah inaad waydiiso su'aalo, wax ku biiriso doodaha, oo sahamiso hodantinimada agabyada la heli karo. Si wada jir ah ayaan u xusi karnaa una ilaalin karnaa quruxda afka Soomaaliga. Soo dhawoow !
