This lesson focus on general everyday Somali language phrases. This list will start with talking about yourself using random sentences. These sentences will be separated into three tables: Affirmative, Question form and Negative  sentence. All these sentence will focus on 1st person singular. The first column is the English,  the second will be the Somali translation and the third will have vocabulary from the sentences.

  • Note: In the vocabulary Column, when you see the star sign “*” it indicates that the word can be used as An imperative sentence, or command. For example: Eat  (You are telling someone to eat) right? In Somali language, to tell someone to eat you say “Cun”.
  • Also make sure you know the pronunciation of letter “I” of Somali. It sounds like the “I” is “Islam”  or  “Indiana”.
  • These sentences are random and can help you see variety of sentences on different situation in your daily life.
I see you.Waa kuu jeedaa. / Waa ku arkaa.See / Arag*
I am standing.Waan taaganahay.Stand/ Istaag*
I ate lunch.Waan qadeeyay.Eat/ Cun*
I am surprised.Waan yaabanahay.Surprise/ Yaab
I am sorry.Waan ka xumaahay.Sorry/ Ka xumaan
I am scared.Waan baqayaa.Scare/Baqid/Cabsi
I am happy.Waan faraxsanahay.Happy/ Farxad
I have something to say.Inaan wax dhoho ayaan rabaa.Say it/ Dheh
I said that.Saas baan dhahay.Said/ Dhay/Iri
I am brushing my teeth.Waan cadayanayaa.Brush/ Tirtir*
I am taking a shower.Waan qubaysanayaaShower/Qubays
I will call you.Waan ku soo wacayaa.Call/ Wac*
I have nothing against you.Waxba kuuma qabo.Nothing/Waxba
I heard you.Waan ku maqlay.Come/Imaansho
I heard you are leaving.Waxaan maqlay in aad baxaysid.Leave/ Bixid
I am tired.Waan daalanahay.Tired/ Daalan
Show me around.Itus meelaha.Show/ Tus*
Give me.Isii.Give/see*
Save me.Ibadbaadi.Save/badbadin
Help me.Icaawi.Help/ Cawin
Look at me.Isoo fiiri.Look/Fiiri*
Marry me.Iguurso.Marry/Guur
Play with me.Ila ciyaar.Play/Ciyaar
Accompany me.Ii weheel yeel.Accompany/Wehel
Listen to me.Idhagayso.Listen/Dhaqayso
Read for me.Ii Akhari.Read/Akhri
Count with me.Ila tiri.Count/Tiri
Eat with me.Ila cun.Eat/Cun
Run with me.Ila orod.Run/Orod
Watch with me.Ila daawo.Watch/Daawo*
I love you.Waan ku Jeclahay.Love/Jacaly
Do I know you?Ma ku aqaannaa?Know/Aqoon
Do I need them?Ma u baahanahay?Need/ u baahan
Do I throw this?Ma tuuraa?Throw/Tuur*
Does she love me?Miyay I jeceshahayLove/Jacayl
Does she recognize me?Miyay I garanaysaa?Recognize/garasho
Did you call me?Miyaad I soo wacday?Call/Wac*
Did you leave a message?Ma reebtay fariin?Message/fariin
Did I tell you that?Ma kuu sheegay taas?Tell/Sheeg*
Will you listen to me?Ma I dhagaysanaysaa?Listen/Dhaqayso*
Will you come with me?Ma I raacaysaa?Come with/raacid
Am I alone?Kaligay miyaan ahay?Alone/kali
Am I sick?Ma jiranahay?Sick/jirro
When will I get it?Goorma Ayaan helayaa?Get/helid
When will I finish?Goorma Ayaan dhamaynayaa?Finish/ dhamee*
How do I get there?Sidee u tagaa halkaas?There/halkaas
How do I know?Sidee u aqaanaa?How/ Sidee
How do I fix this?Sidee u hagaajiyaa?Fix/ Hagaajin
How do I open this?Sidee u furaa kan?Open/Fur*
How do I close this?Sidee u xiraa kan?Close/Xir*
How long do I wait?Intee sugaa?How long/Intee
Who woke me up?Yaa I toosiyay?Wake up/Toos*
Who is there?Yaa halkaas jooga?Who/Qofkee
Who is my teacher?Yaa macalinkayga ah?Teacher/Macalin
Who do I ask?Yaan waaydiiyaa?Ask/Waydii*
Who knows?Yaa yaqaan?Know/Aqoon
Where is my car?Aaway gaarigayga?Car/gaari
Where are we?Xaggee joognaa?Where/Xaggee
Where did it go?Xagge aaday ayada?Go/Bax* (a bit rude)
What is my number?Waa maxay lambar kayga?Number/Lambar
What have I done?Maxaan sameeyay?Done/sameyay
What is my job?Waa maxay shaqadayda?What/waa maxay
Will I get a job?Ma heli doonaa shaqo?Job/shaqo
Are we done?Ma dhamaynay?Done/Dhamayn
Am I tiring you?Ma ku daalinayaa?Tire/Daal
I am not wrong.Ma khaldani.Wrong/Khalad
I am not angry.Ma xanaaqsani.Angry/ Xanaaq
I am not home.Ma joogo guriga.Home/ Guri
I am not available.Ma la iheli karo.Available/la heli karo
I am not sleeping here.Meeshaan ma seexanayo.Sleep/Seexasho
I am not hungry.Ma gaajaysni.Hunger/Gaajo
I am not cooking.Ma karinayo.Cook/Karin
I am not helping.Ma caawinayo.Help/Caawin
I did not do it.Ma samayn.Do/Samayn
I did not have car issue.Ma haysan cillad gaari.Issue/Cillad
I did not miss the class.Ma ka baaqan galaaska.Miis/u goyn
I did not take my meds.Ma qaadan daawooyin kaygi.Medicine/Daawo
I don’t know.Ma aqaan.Know/Aqoon
I don’t care.Ma kala jecli.Care/Kala jecel
I don’t mind.Waxba kama qabo.Mind/Ka qabin
I don’t watch the news.Ma daawado wararka.Watch/Daawo*
I don’t waste my time.Ma iska lumiyo wakhriga.Waste/Lumin
I don’t remember.Ma xusuusto.Remember/Xasuus
Don’t ask me.Ha iwaydiin.Ask/Waydii*
Don’t give it to me.Ha isiinGive/See*
Don’t run from me.Ha iga ordin.Run/Orod*
Don’t worry about meHa iga walwalin.Worry/Walwal
Don’t bother me.Ha idhibin.Bother/dhib
Don’t blame me.Ha i eedayn.Blame/eedayn
I have not done anything.Ma samayn waxba.Anything/waxba
I have not seen him.Ma arkin.Seen/arag
I have not finished it yet.Ma dhamayn wali.Finish/dhamee*
I will not accept this.Ma aqbalayo tan.Accept/Aqbal
I will not go there.Ma aadayo halkaas.Go/aad*
I will not hurt you.Ma ku dhibaataynayo.Hurt/Dhibaatayn
I will not attend this schoolMa dhiganayo iskoolkaan.Atten/Dhigasho
I will not tolerate this.Ma u dulqaadanayo tan.Tolerate/Dulqaad
I will not finish this.Ma dhamaynayo tan.This/Tan also Kan
I don’t understand.Ma fahmin.Understand/Fahan
Not bad.Ma xuma. Bad/xun

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